PowerVac G Check Valve Test and Repair

PowerVac G Float Assembly PowerVac G Float Assembly

Vacuum pressure keeps valve closed when pump is running. When pump stops, valve opens for liquids and solids to drain. Multiple units have two additional check valves located in the tee assembly.

When installing check valve in horizontal position, confirm the hinge for the flapper is on top of the valve.

The check valve located in the drain allows the separator to drain upon removal of vacuum pressure. When the pump is not running, the valve opens, allowing liquids to drain. If the pump is running, the valve closes to keep air in the drain from back flushing into the system.

Each vacuum pump in a multiple pump installation requires a check valve to be installed into the intake line.

This prevents loss of suction pressure when one pump in the system is turned off. If no check valve is present, flow will be allowed through the “off” pump, creating a loss of suction of the rest of the system.